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Rice & Beans!
Ingredients: 1 cup cooked brown rice 1 cup cooked black beans ½ chopped onion ½ chopped red pepper ½ chopped celery stick salt & pepper 4...
Glowing Beauty Stir Fry
Ingredients: 2 cups broccoli florets ½ sliced yellow pepper ½ sliced red pepper ½ sliced onion 1 cup snow peas pinch of salt & pepper 2...
Squash Salad
Ingredients: 2 cups spinach 1 cup cooked & diced squash Dressing: 2 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp raw honey 1 tbsp sesame seeds pinch salt &...
Pasta Marinara - mmmm!
Ingredients: 2 cups cooked brown rice pasta (gluten free) 5 diced tomatoes ½ chopped onion 2 chopped garlic cloves 2 tbsp chopped basil 1...
Warm Kale & Quinoa Salad
Ingredients: 2 cups chopped raw kale 1 cup cooked quinoa 1 chopped tomato ½ cup cooked edamame ½ cup cooked corn ½ cup sliced raw almonds...
Delicious Stuffed Peppers!
Ingredients: 1 cup cooked brown rice 2 red peppers 1 cup raw cashews ½ chopped onion ½ cup cooked black beans ½ lemon 1 tsp chili powder...
Yummy Beet Burger
Ingredients: ¾ cup cooked quinoa ½ of a red onion 1 cup chopped mushrooms 1, 15 oz can black beans 1 cup grated raw beets ½ cup raw...
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