Wide Legged Toe Squats

3 Set of 15 Reps
Start with feet wide apart, toes pointing out. Bring hands to heart center, bend the knees and sit nice and low. Lift one heel up, keeping the belly tucked in, tail bone dropped, relaxed shoulders. From here, bend your knees more to lower, then lift halfway, lower then lift. Repeat - 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.
Booty Blaster

3 Set of 20 Reps
Start on your knees, come down to your forearms, keep the belly tucked in, gaze is down at the floor, neck is long. Lift one leg so the thigh is parallel to the ground. Bend the knee, flex the foot, make sure the hips stay square to the ground the whole time. From here, pulse through the heel to lift a bit higher, then back to parallel. Repeat, 3 sets of 20 reps on each side.
Mermaid Leg Lifts

3 Set of 30 Reps
Start laying on your side, lift up onto your forearm and out of your shoulder. Bend the bottom leg, extend the top leg parallel to ground, flex the foot and lift the leg. Lift even higher, then back to parallel. Repeat - 3 sets of 30 reps on each side.
Cross Legged Mermaid Lifts

3 Set of 30 Reps
Start laying on your side, lift onto the forearm. Cross top leg over bottom, place foot flat on ground, lift the bottom leg, with a flexed foot, to hover 6 inches off the ground. Lift higher, then back down. Repeat, 3 sets of 30 reps on each side.
Standing Booty Blaster

3 Set of 15 Reps
Start in a standing forward fold, finger tips on ground for support. Use blocks here or bend standing leg for modification. Extend one leg parallel to ground, point the toes. Lift even higher, then back to parallel. Repeat, 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.